2023 Partner Updates


Through your incredible generosity, we were humbled and grateful to be able to come alongside remarkable projects and organizations, all of which are working on the frontlines day in and day out. Your unwavering support has allowed us to make a tangible impact on the lives of countless individuals. We are delighted to share some specific updates from our partners, shedding light on the incredible ways in which your generous gifts have been utilized over the past year.

The Heritage Co.

Lexington, SC

The Heritage Co. is a local church based in Lexington, SC with a passion to see every person experience the abundant life that God has created us for.

Since its launch in January 2023 has had an immediate impact on its community and the greater Columbia area. Within its first year, the church has witnessed over 170 individuals making decisions to follow Jesus and over 50 professing their new life in Christ through baptism.

The generosity of Awaken Church has served as an inspiration for The Heritage Co. to be equally generous in their community. Through various generosity projects, they have invested more than $50,000 into their local community and partnered with RIP Medical Debt to eliminate $970,000 of debt across Richland and Lexington County.

Food for the Hungry

As a church, we were able to support over 80 children this year. Our support goes to nutritious food, education, clean water & improved snaitation, access to medial car, and hop and knowledge that Jesus loves them.

We were also able to send two mission teams down to Guatemala.

Chajbul, Guatamala

We had the chance to make a difference for more than 350 families in the community. The Vacation Bible School had an average of 75 kids attending. We also helped with the construction of a health clinic and built chicken coops for farming.

Rosario Italia, Guatamala

Our construction project last year will provide 60 latrines for 60 families. A lot of people have been displaced for the flooding of the Chixoy Hydroelectric plant. We were able to come and serve the community and financially contribute to financially to the construction projects.